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The Ultimate Zero Turn Mower Buying Guide

Buying a zero-turn mower is an exciting step for any lawn care lover but deciding which zero-turn is the perfect one for you can be challenging.
That’s where we can help. We’ve put together what you need to know about zero-turn lawn mowers so you get the ideal machine for all your needs.


Table of Contents

  1. Why should I buy a zero-turn mower?
  2. What should I look for when buying a zero-turn mower?
  3. How do I drive a zero-turn mower?
  4. How do I decide between Steering Wheel Control and Lap Bar Control?
  5. Why choose a Cub Cadet® zero-turn mower?
  6. What’s the best time of year to buy a zero-turn mower?
  7. Where is the best place to buy a zero-turn mower?
  8. What’s the best zero-turn mower for my yard size?
  9. What features should I consider when buying a zero-turn mower?
  10. What accessories are available for a zero-turn mower?
  11. Residential Zero-Turn Mower FAQ


Why should I buy a zero-turn mower?

Owning a zero-turn lawn mower is the ultimate mowing experience. Zero-turns offer smooth operation, excellent maneuverability, high top speeds, and next-level comfort. That’s why zero-turn mowers are popular for professional landscapers who tackle tough lawn care jobs.

If any of the following statements apply to you, it might be time for you to get a zero-turn: 

  • You’re mowing a lawn or property larger than two acres
  • You want to get the job done quickly and efficiently
  • Your lawn or property features challenging hills and slopes
  • You need precision and maneuverability to navigate multiple obstacles
  • You want performance, strength, durability and comfort

Cub Cadet® Ultima Series™ mowers are designed to deliver next-level comfort, speed control and cut quality with lap bar, steering wheel and battery models to help you unlock the possibilities of your yard.

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What should I look for when buying a zero-turn mower?

There’s no two ways about it: buying a residential zero-turn mower is a significant investment. That means it’s vital that you understand every aspect you should consider when deciding on what zero-turn is best for you.

Here are seven factors you’ll need to think about when buying a zero-turn mower:


1) Deck Width
How much lawn you need to cut will determine the zero-turn mower deck you need. So, the bigger the yard, the wider the cutting deck you should consider. If you’re buying a zero-turn to mow a relatively flat yard or property larger than an acre, a deck width of 46 inches or more is your best bet.

2) Engine Size
How large of a property will you be mowing with your zero-turn, and how tough of a job is it? The bigger and harder the job, the more powerful the engine of your zero-turn mower will need to be so that it can handle what you need efficiently and effectively.

Cub Cadet® Ultima Series™ zero-turn mowers have premium Kawasaki®* and Kohler®** engines that provide the ultimate power and speed combination.

3) Cutting Performance
If you’re investing in a zero-turn mower, you expect a top-quality cut every time. That’s why every Ultima Series™ zero-turn mower is fitted with a fully fabricated AeroForce™ deck designed to deliver an excellent cut with good airflow and suction that helps eliminate clumping during discharge.

4) Durability
A strong zero-turn mower that can handle heavy-duty jobs is essential. That means it needs a sturdy, well-built frame and parts you trust. ​​Cub Cadet® stands by our product durability with the limited lifetime warranty on the frame and deck shell through which we provide you with peace of mind when you purchase an Ultima Series™ zero-turn mower.

5) Comfort
High-back adjustable seats. Arm rests. Cup holders. These are all things you’ll want to consider when you’re about to buy a zero-turn mower. You’re going to be spending a lot of time in the seat of your zero-turn – you might as well be comfortable, right?

6) Accessories
If you have the right zero-turn lawn mower, you can do much more than just mow your lawn – you can own the ultimate lawn care machine. The Cub Cadet® Ultima Series™ lineup of zero-turn lawn mowers can be fitted with accessories that will transform your mower (more below on which accessories are a must).

7) Support
Eventually, you’re going to need to get your zero-turn mower serviced. Whether it’s service, maintenance or your warranty, quality service for your machine is crucial. With the purchase of a Cub Cadet® zero-turn comes the top-notch service of a nationwide network of factory-trained technicians who are there to help you. Click here to find your nearest authorized Cub Cadet® dealer.

*Kawasaki® is a registered trademark of KAWASAKI JUKOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA.
**Kohler® is a registered trademark of Kohler Co.

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How do I decide between Steering Wheel Control and Lap Bar Control?

Driving a zero-turn mower with lap-bar steering is exciting once you get the hang of it.

At the front of the zero-turn mower are caster wheels – like on the front of a shopping cart but larger – that allow the mower to execute turns with a “zero-degree” radius.

The lap bars control the mower’s two back wheels so when you push both bars forward, away from your body, the machine moves forward – the further you push the bars away from you, the faster the mower goes. To reverse, you pull the bars towards your body.

Think of turning a zero-turn mower like pushing a shopping cart. To turn left, you push the right bar away from your body and pull the left bar toward you. To turn right, you pull the right bar toward your body and push the left bar away.

If the lap-bar experience isn’t for you, check out the Ultima Series™ ZTS or ZTXS. These innovative zero-turn mowers feature a steering wheel and four-wheel control for precision and confident control on challenging hills up to 20 degrees using Cub Cadet®’s innovative Synchro-Steer® technology, our patented driving technology.


How do I decide between Steering Wheel Control and Lap Bar Control?

One of the most important decisions you’ll make when buying a residential zero-turn mower is the driving experience you prefer: lap bar or steering wheel. That decision mostly comes down to your preference – you should choose the driving controls you’re most comfortable with – but there are important factors to remember when weighing your options.

Lap Bar Control
Lap-bar zero-turn mowers are a great option for large predominantly flat yards. A residential zero-turn with lap-bar control can tackle flat and even terrain with speed, power and efficiency. The Cub Cadet® Ultima Series ZT™ lap-bar lineup is engineered for strength, durability and comfort, while the Ultima Series ZTX™ machines are equipped with professional-grade features and are built for commercial use.

Steering Wheel Control
Unlike lap-bar controls, residential zero-turns with steering wheels can feel less intimidating. Driving a steering wheel zero-turn is like driving your car.

Steering wheel zero-turns also provide excellent control and precision on uneven terrain. While the front caster wheels on a lap-bar zero-turn can cause “turf tear,” Cub Cadet® steering wheel zero-turns give operators control of all four wheels. That means the mower is designed to hold a straight line while cutting on a slope, helping to avoid turf damage when operating the machine on uneven terrain.

If you’re considering a steering wheel zero-turn, the Cub Cadet® Ultima Series™ ZTS or Ultima Series™ ZTXS is the perfect place to start. These mowers bring Synchro-Steer™ technology to the Cub Cadet® Ultima Series™ platform for precision and confident control on challenging hills up to 20 degrees.

Reach out to your local Cub Cadet® dealer today to learn more about our steering wheel zero-turn mowers.

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Why choose a Cub Cadet® zero-turn mower?

Power. Performance. Durability. Control. Comfort.

The Cub Cadet® Ultima Series™ lineup of residential zero-turn mowers checks off all the boxes. Whether you’re looking for lap bar or steering wheel options, gas or electric, residential or commercial-grade, the Ultima Series™ has a zero-turn for you. Each of our mowers is designed to deliver next-level comfort, speed, control and cut quality to help unlock your yard’s possibilities.

Cub Cadet® also offers Canada-wide service that is tough to beat. The Cub Cadet® Dealer Advantage means you can access a wide selection of machines, exclusive offers and that personal touch that is hard to find anywhere else. More than 400 local Cub Cadet® service dealers across Canada are ready and willing to help you choose your ideal zero-turn mower.

If you want to step up to the ultimate mowing experience, check out the full Cub Cadet® lineup of innovative zero-turns. Find your neighbourhood Cub Cadet® dealer today using our service locator.

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What’s the best time of year to buy a zero-turn mower?

Any time of the year is great to buy a residential zero-turn lawn mower.

Being prepared to buy before the season begins means you’ll be ready when it’s time for the first mow of the season. You might even get an opportunity to take advantage of a pre-season sale or financing offers, like those offered at participating independent Cub Cadet® dealers across Canada. You can also keep tabs on our latest sales and special offers by signing up for emails from Cub Cadet®.

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Where is the best place to buy a zero-turn mower?

Your location and the level of service you need are the two most important factors when buying a zero-turn mower.

Independent Dealer – Mainly geared toward residents of rural areas, independent dealers have relationships with outdoor power equipment manufacturers and can offer exclusive deals or machines. Due to their size, independent dealers like your hometown authorized Cub Cadet® dealer can also provide high-level customer service, including pre-delivery inspection.

Mass Retailers – Big-box stores are largely located in towns and cities and may be easily accessible. They often carry a wide selection of machines to give customers good choices and have knowledgeable employees to help potential customers.

Online – If you know what zero-turn you need, shopping online (through a manufacturer’s website, like Cub Cadet®, or a retailer's website) might be the right option. It’s a convenient option because it allows you to research in the comfort of your own home before buying.

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What’s the best zero-turn mower for my yard size?

The zero-turn lawn mower that’s best for a yard the size of yours will depend largely on the machine’s cutting deck and engine size. Here’s a breakdown by both lawn size and angles of slopes that you may be mowing:

Lawn Size Slope Angle Mower Type
Up to 2 acres Up to 15° 42″-46″ Ultima Series™ ZT1
2-5 acres Up to 15° 42″-60″ Ultima Series™ ZT
2-5 acres Up to 20° 42″-60″ Ultima Series™ ZTS
5+ acres Up to 15° 48″-60″ Ultima Series™ ZTX

For more help finding the ideal zero-turn mower for your yard size and terrain, get in touch with your local Cub Cadet® dealer.

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What features should I consider when buying a zero-turn mower?

A big part of purchasing the right zero-turn is getting a mower with all the features you prefer. The Cub Cadet® Ultima Series™ lineup of zero-turn mowers is packed with premium features. Here’s a list of some that you should consider:

  • Seat – You’re likely going to spend a lot of time on your zero-turn so getting a comfortable seat is important. Look for seat designs that are fully adjustable and include armrests.
  • Headlights – Get the job done early in the morning or late in the evening with a zero-turn equipped with LED headlights.
  • Ergonomic Driving Controls – Boost your driving experience with easily adjustable lap bars and steering wheel controls.
  • Tow Hitch – Unlock the full potential of your zero-turn with a tow hitch.
  • Hour Meter – Buying a mower with an hour meter will help you keep track of the machine’s maintenance schedule as the hour meter records and displays engine run time.
  • Cup Holders – Mowing is hard work, and you need to stay hydrated. Having one or multiple cup holders will help you do just that.
  • Cruise Control – If you’re mowing in straight lines on relatively flat terrain, cruise control will allow you to maintain an ideal speed without your foot on the pedal.

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What accessories are available for a zero-turn mower?

You can add accessories to your zero-turn mower to transform it into a year-long yard maintenance tool. Below are five accessories worth considering to add versatility to your zero-turn:

  • Bagger System – A system that attaches to your zero-turn to collect grass clippings and other debris rather than throw them back onto your lawn.
  • Tow-Behind Hauler – A cart that connects to the back of your mower so you can haul large loads around your yard easily.
  • All-Season Plow – This plow isn’t just for snow; it can also move dirt, gravel and mulch, meaning you can use it to get jobs done all year.
  • Striping Kit – Add professional-grade stripes to your lawn.
  • Mulch Kit – Cut grass into fine pieces that can be returned to your lawn to keep it healthier.

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Residential Zero-Turn Mower FAQ

Should I get a zero-turn mower or a lawn tractor?
The deciding factor in determining whether you need a residential zero-turn mower or a lawn tractor is the size of your yard or property.

If you have a yard that lands somewhere between ¼ acre and two acres, start by looking into your options for a lawn tractor. The Cub Cadet® XT Enduro Series™ features the XT1® and the XT2®, built to give you strength, durability and comfort mow after mow. If you think a lawn tractor might be the way to go, check out our Ultimate Lawn Tractor Buying Guide to learn more.

A residential zero-turn mower might be more your speed if you have a yard larger than two acres or mowing on hills or around obstacles. Zero-turn mowers are often a popular choice for landscapers. Cub Cadet® offers a variety of residential zero-turn mowers with the Ultima Series™ to deliver next-level comfort, speed, control and cut quality. Get in touch with your local dealer to learn more.

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What is a good residential zero-turn mower?

It’s never been a better time to buy a residential zero-turn mower. The variety offered by the Cub Cadet® Ultima Series™ lineup of residential zero-turn mowers means buyers can get the perfect zero-turn to fit their needs. Which of the Cub Cadet® residential zero-turn mowers is best for you depends largely on what you need the machine to do.

Ask yourself the following questions: How big is your lawn or property? Is the terrain uneven? Will you be mowing hills? If so, how steep? What kind of steering control do you prefer? Are there specifications or features you prefer?

The answers to these questions will go a long way in determining which zero-turn mower fits your needs. Once you have answers to these questions, head to your local Cub Cadet® dealer to find your ideal machine.

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Are zero-turn mowers good on hills?

Residential zero-turn mowers are effective for mowing hills up to a certain degree of slope and the mower needs to be operated in accordance with the safety manuals when doing so.

Always read your machine’s operator’s manual to become familiar with the best safety practices of the zero-turn mower, and keep these tips in mind:

  • Don’t mow across hills, mow up and down
  • Don’t mow hills at a high speed
  • Don’t start, stop or turn on hills
  • Don’t mow close to ditches or other trenches 

Cub Cadet® Ultima Series ZT™ residential zero-turn mowers can handle hills with slopes of up to 15 degrees, while the Cub Cadet® Ultima Series ZTS™ can tackle challenging hills up to 20 degrees thanks to the innovative Synchro-Steer® technology.

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What is the life expectancy of a zero-turn mower?

Maintaining your residential zero-turn on a schedule is vital to its life expectancy. That means more than treating your zero-turn well; it means following a regular maintenance schedule, replacing parts when necessary and taking the machine to a service dealer when you have an issue. Ensure you use the warranties offered with our Ultima Series™ zero-turns.

Cub Cadet® has a nationwide network of factory-trained service technicians to help keep your zero-turn running strong season after season.

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